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Everything you know about the

talent supply chain is wrong

Webinar recording

Learn how to expand your talent supply chain and increase your ability to hire

We understand that every company that relies on contingent workers faces challenges. Whether it’s finding enough workers, locating the right skill sets, or having suppliers that are agile enough to meet your changing hiring needs, you need results.  Now.

But using a traditional supplier management process doesn’t allow you to address these issues in ways that result in an agile, resilient workforce that meets your organization’s current and future needs.  

You need a modern, streamlined, hyper-effective supplier management process that uses powerful network effects, resulting in improved business outcomes.

Join host Christopher Dwyer as he leads the discussion us on March 1, 2023 to learn how our approach to supplier management will improve your hiring processes, build stronger relationships, reduce risk, and increase worker quality.

What you’ll learn from our team of experts:

Meet the speakers

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Christopher Dwyer

Senior Vice President of Research at Ardent Partners and

Managing Director of the Future of Work Exchange

A leading industry voice on innovative workforce technologies and their applications, he helps businesses make optimal decisions around technology investments and meeting workforce needs.

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Sunil Bagai

CEO at



A thought leader,
speaker, innovator, he is the genius behind Prosperix Xponential, a game-changing comprehensive workforce solution.

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Bryan Peña

Principal Consultant at

Defiant Solutions


A veteran industry analyst, he guides businesses as they navigate the evolving extended workforce management arena and determines the best ways for work to be done. 

Don’t miss the chance to learn from these industry experts


Total workforce management solution that joins technology and human expertise

Prosperix VMS Network
Accelerating Innovation in Hiring and Workforce Management

Prosperix VMS Network
Accelerating Innovation in Hiring and Workforce Management